Lakes of the Sky (Seen des Himmels)

  • Linear Location

    On the way to overlook: Kahlenberg, Vienna, Austria (48°16'32"N 16°20'12"E)


The story in this plaque concerns one of the more popular creatures of Kcymaerxthaere – the Rabansg. But it also reminds us that yet another culture has this experience with archipelagos. Culture after culture seems to rely that notion (some of the plaques suggested at links will offer other examples). Also this is a good time to learn about Polyhaedra. These are creatures that are not really part of our linear lexicon. They require dimensions we are barely aware of.


It is visible–and readable– through a fence on the way to the main lookout from the parking lot.  It will be on your left before you get to the street Am Kahlenberg.  If you are at the chapel–you are rather a bit too far.

Public Dedication

Dedication took place on a lovely evening (after a very rainy day) on June 19, 2010 with a glorious cohort of singers.

The text behind the fence . . .

The part of the story installed here:


In Kcymaerxthaereal times, one would have found here Misskeks, the most beautiful of the gelvelin, an archipelago of saltwater lakes strung high above the vast rezhns of Leddl and [rBaikylmaara], tethered to spaces and times quite different than our own. It was here of course that Okasl Tibb, the quite beautiful but ever lonely polyhaedron who simply wanted to be wanted, lingered, always too vulnerable—yet somehow longing to be even more so.

There was no Kahlenberg then, for these were lakes without a shore—the only views quite like the one near at hand, but with the sky, instead of the land, beneath your feet. Okasl Tibb delighted in the visits of the intelligent and playful rabansg, among the few of the dolphin-kind who had figured out how to slip the wet—at least for a time. They had what would seem to us as clear, cloud-like dirigibles of water. And these ghelyrns did not fly in the sense we know the word, but, guided by old trails in the sky, let the dolphinlike creatures travel from lake to lake—with pauses thus for disport and gambol high above what we would call the Earth on their way to another sea.

Kcymaerxthaereal times • Misskeks

And in German . . .


Zu Zeiten von Kcymaerxthaereal hätte man hier Miskeks gefunden, die schönste der gelvęlin, eine Inselgruppe von Salzwasserseen, die hoch über gewaltigen rezhns von Leddl und [rBaikylmaara] aufgereiht ist, an Räume und Zeiten gebunden, die sich von den unseren vollkomen unterscheiden.  Hier natürlich verweilte Okasl Tibb, das wunderschöne, aber stets einsame Polyaeder, das einfach um des Begehrens willen begehrt werden wollte, immer zu verletzlich — und dennoch irgendwie sogar sehnsüchtig nach mehr davon.

Es gab damals keinen Kahlenberg, denn diese Seen waren ohne Ufer  — und boten nur Aussichten wie diese hier nahebei, hingegen mit dem Himmel statt des Landes zu Füssen.  Okasl Tibb erfreute sich an den Besuchen der intelligenten und verspielten rabansg, eine der wenigen unter den Arten der Delfine, die herausgefunden hatten, wie sie dem Wasser entgleiten konnten, wenigstens für einige Zeit.  Sie besaßen, was uns als durchsichtige, wolkenartige Luftschiffe aus Wasser erscheinen würden.  Und diese ghelyrns flogen nicht in der Bedeutung des Wortes, die wir kennen, sondern wurden von alten Pfaden im Himmel geleitet, die diese delfinartigen Geschöpfe von See zu See reisen ließen — mit Pausen, um hoch über dem, was wir die Erde nenne würden, herumzutollen auf ihrem Weg zu einem anderen Ozean.


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