Origem da Ternura (Where Tenderness Began)

  • Linear Location

    Prazeres Church, Madeira (Portugal) (32°45'13"N 17°12'11"W)


Installation #

N 32° 45′ 13.9176″, W 116° 17’ 59.02”

(A Brief Note):

Dedication Date: Sunday, February 10, 2019


Private Notes:


Paróquia De PrazeresChurch
Rua da Igreja 3
9370-626 Prazeres

Flickr Tags:


Located in the small stone-paved square in front of the Paróquia De Prazeres church at Rua da Igreja 3, Prazeres, on the island of Madeira, Portugal.


Public Dedication

Text of the Marker

The part of the story installed here:
Origem da Ternura (Where Tenderness Began)

In Kcymaerxthaereal times, islands were known for a quality called anggroav—the tendency to be their own universes (of which the place we call Madeira was a perfect example). Rarely was this more important than when a gentle, but urgent, conspiracy of conversational beings gathered here. One of the Saqhaelin people, gifted with vision so strong they had to close their eyes to see as badly as we do, had seen a huge creature from one of the deepest dayelix of space approaching—and was filled with fear. But, as it got closer, the gathered friends realized this alien was emotionally wounded more than anything and, perhaps, if they presented tenderness and not violence, they could save us all with little more than the proper choice of words—and language.

(pronounced: kye-MAIR-icks-theer)

And in Portuguese...

Origem da Ternura (Where Tenderness Began)

Na era de kcymaerxthaereal, as ilhas eram conhecidas por uma qualidade chamada anggroav—a tendência para serem os seus próprios universos (da qual o lugar chamado Madeira era um exemplo perfeito). Raramente isso assumia maior importância do que a reunião, aqui, de seres conversadores, numa conspiração gentil, mas urgente. Um dos elementos do povo Saqhaelin, dotado de uma visão tão potente que tinha de fechar os olhos para ver tão mal quanto nós, avistou uma enorme criatura de um dos dayelix mais profundos do espaço a se aproximar—e estava cheio de medo. Mas, à medida que se aproximava, os amigos reunidos perceberam que esse extraterrestre estava, acima de tudo, emocionalmente ferido e, talvez, se eles expressassem ternura em vez de violência, poderiam salvar os mundos apenas com a escolha adequada de palavras—e linguagem.

(pronunciado: kye-MAIR-icks-deer)


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