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Why not create a world where the world comes first and the story is experienced second?

Eames Demetrios: Kymaerica at the Institute of Contemporary Art, London, England

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[(as per linear English)]


(Proper Name)


As one of the first occupiers of the area, the Saxons became one of several signatories to the Wardington Rules of War, which attempted to lower the death rate in war (though ironically so war could continue).

In A Sentence

The swath of land between the Thames and the Wheel of Faith, across the center of what is now called linear Britain, was the home of the Exile gwomes, an area of constant war and much diversity: Saxons, the Legions of Reasonably Tall Men, Normans, Saracens, Vesuvii, Jihn Wranglikans, Zulu, Fendest, and even a gwome of land seals.