Lost in Scale (Tersesat dalam Skala)

  • Linear Location

    On a small peninsula into a lake, Lagoi Bay Resort, Bintan, Indonesia (1°10'25"N 104°22'13"E)


This installation depicts a key location in Eliala Mei-Ning‘s search for true freedom.  Around this location was the moat that surrounded a land called pSegolene–and the moat performed its role quite effectively as the fate of one of the members of the ruthless Puhnee discovered in a most harsh manner.


The site is easily accessed from the Lagoi Bay resort.

Public Dedication

We have not yet determined the dedication date, but it will be announced in the Kcymaerxthaere Newsletter.

What the story says . . .

The part of the story installed here:

Tersesat dalam Skala

pSegolene, seekor gwome, (kata yang sekerabat dengan jejak bangsa) berlokasi di sekitar di mana Singapura sekarang berada, dulunya terkenal sulit dicapai, namun ketika seseorang meninggalkanya, hanya dibutuhkan waktu setengah hari untuk mencapai tujuan kemanapun. Wilayah air ini mendekati bagian dari parit yang dulunya sangat dalam, mengelilingi pSegolene, yang bahayanya sangat dahsyat, dan ketika Anda berusaha untuk menyeberanginya, ukuran badan Anda akan berubah.

Feldest Nyearmaux, sebagai Puhnee, bagian dari federasi kriminal, mengejar biduanita Eliala Mei-Ning, dan ia mempercayai peringatan legenda, sehingga ia melemparkan tali hidup ke seberang jurang. Menyeberang dengan tangan demi tangan, Feldest terus maju dan merasakan hal yang aneh, badannya membesar dan terus membesar. Ia mencoba terus menyeberang, namun tangannya menjadi kikuk dan ia pun panik, pegangannya terlepas. Jatuh terjerembab ke dalam kegelapan, dan ukuran badannya berubah lagi: ia menjadi lebih kecil, dan terus mengecil sehingga menjadi sangat mungil dan ringan, sehingga jatuhnya melambat, terbang seperti debu. Untungnya, hembusan angin lembut meniup Feldest ke samping, sehingga menyediakan ruang bagi Feldest untuk memanjat. Ia merangkak keluar. Akhirnya ia berhenti untuk menarik napas kecilnya, dan melihat bahwa perjalanan baru dilalui setengahnya. Ia memanjat naik lagi, tidak terlalu jauh, dan berhenti. Tiba-tiba ia teringat bahwa ia ada pada setengah jalan di antara tempatnya beristirahat dan puncak. Pada jejakan naik selanjutnya, usahanya cukup keras, namun ia seolah tidak bergerak, tetap di tempat yang sama. Ini adalah trik benteng yang paling kejam, korban hanya bisa melakukan setengah perjalanan kembali, meski telah melakukan usaha apapun. Tangis mereka terlalu lirih untuk didengar, tidak ada yang bisa selamat.

In English

Lost in Scale

pSegolene, a gwome (a Cognate word meaning “footprint of the nation”—basically a country) located roughly where Singapore is today, was famous for being impossible to get to, but, when you left, it was only half a day to anywhere else. These waters closely follow part of what was once an unimaginably deep trench circling pSegolene, whose most dreadful danger was: the moment you tried to cross, you would actually become unmoored in size.

Feldest Nyearmaux, part of the criminal federation known as the Puhnee, pursued the singer Eliala Mei-Ning here and, believing such warnings utter legend, threw a living rope across the chasm. Hand over hand, Feldest started across, but soon felt himself getting strangely bigger and bigger. He tried to work his way along the rope, but his hands now clumsy and frantic, he lost his grip. Plummeting into darkness, scale changed again: he got smaller as he fell, until he was so tiny and light that he slowed, just floating like dust. Eventually, a gentle air current danced Feldest back to the side, now a towering cliff to him. Up he scrambled to escape. Eventually, he stopped to catch his tiny breath and saw he was exactly halfway to the top. He climbed again—not nearly as far—and stopped. Suddenly he realized he was again exactly halfway between his last rest spot and the top. Next climb, great effort, but same thing: just half the new distance to the top. This was the moat’s cruelest trick: its shrinking victims could only travel halfway back with each try. Their cries too miniscule to hear, none would ever escape.


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