Faith of the [Valp]

  • Linear Location

    Wrong Store, 110 W. Dallas St., Marfa, TX, US (30°18'30"N 104°1'16"W)



In front of the Wrong Store:

Visit us at the Wrong store, 110 W. Dallas St. To find the Wrong store: go to the main blinking light where 90/67 intersect. Go one block south to Dallas St. and turn right. We are in the next block — old church building with a giant, orange neon horseshoe sign in front.

Public Dedication

This was Kcymaerxthaere installation #106 and the fiftieth in what we call the United States.

Text of the Marker

The part of the story installed here:

Faith of the [Valp]

The structure before you is said to be built on the ruins of a private chapel of Dreg Valp, whose bands of brigands famously tormented the troubled expedition of Nobunaga-Gaisen. Ironically, almost a generation of generations later, Valp’s distant descendants would befriend another Nobunaga: Ventreven, indirectly introducing the young man to the gifted and beautiful lralette of the Wendaentz.

Valp is believed to be derived from a spoken form of this Nyelvate (shape) word, , which was the true name of their faith. The were famous for their belief that only those who did not believe in God would go to heaven. They also believed that your last thought was the only thing you brought with you into the afterlife—so unbelievers in this, and many neighboring gwomes, were always smiling, just in case.


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