City of Justice (Teisingumo miestas)

  • Linear Location

    Right bank of the River Užupis, Užupis, Vilnius, Lithuania (54°40'51"N 25°17'35"E)


It is the nature of the dimensions and jemvelac of Kcymaerxthaere that people, especially travelers of a certain sort can get rearranged in Time (particularly when it makes contact with ferylemt), which makes this contact between Gnel Wrangor—the Boy from the Sea—and Eliala Mei-Ning so exquisite.


It is by the River Užupis in the district of Vilnius and outdoors and accessible 24/7.  People often build little towers in the water as well—a lovely echo of the story.

Public Dedication

We had a bilingual storytelling before the dedication in a building nearby, and then walked over and read the story, following with Kcymaerxthaereal song.

The English text of the City of Justice installation

The part of the story installed here:


A generation of generations ago, a man with gray hair stood here in vast palace ruins, crafting in his mind the streets and scapes of a new City of Justice. Everyone knew him as the Boy from the Sea, even though it was a very long time since, intent on his sand castles, he had ignored his mother’s warnings, and a great wave had washed him into the ferylemt, that quality of existence as different from Time and Space as they are from each other. The Boy was saved only by the singing of Eliala Mei-Ning, the woman whose voice was too beautiful to be concealed. And now she was here, being chased by the Puhnee, evil men from whom she could hide everything but the uniqueness of her voice. Ferylemt does make some contact with Space, sometimes even reshuffles the paths of Time. In fact, when this older Boy saw Eliala—and the Puhnee far too close behind, he recognized her, but she did not know him, since saving him, though the centre of his past, was still far in her future. Still, she sensed connection, so when he yelled at her to sing, she did. Her voice was so beautiful that his ideas on the land bloomed into his vivid City of Justice. An impenetrable tower arose wrapped around her, thwarting those men as she slept by its warm hearth. This was her 21st place of refuge. At dawn, as the walls returned to sand in the fog, she slipped away, off to her next refuge—her 34th. As for the Boy, he was still not nearly home.

The Lithuanian text of the City of Justice installation

Teisingumo miestas

Prieš daugelį tėkmių / amžinybių šioje vietoje, žvilgsniu neaprėpiamuose rūmų griuvėsiuose stovėdamas žilaplaukis mintyse kūrė naujo Teisingumo miesto gatves ir peizažus. Kiekvienas pažinojo jį kaip Berniuką iš jūros, nors praėjo labai daug laiko nuo tada, kai jis, susitelkęs į savo smėlio pilis ir nepaisydamas motinos perspėjimų, didžiosios bangos buvo nuplautas į Ferylėmt, egzistencijos savybę, tokią skirtingą nuo Laiko ir Erdvės, kaip ir Laikas ir Erdvė yra skirtingi vienas nuo kito. Berniuką išgelbėjo tik Eliala Mei-Ning dainavimas, – dainavimas moters, kurios balsas buvo per gražus nuslėpti. Dabar ji buvo čia, persekiojama Punių (Puhnee), piktavalių žmonių, nuo kurių galėjo nuslėpti bet ką, tik ne savo balso unikalumą.

Ferylėmt šiek tiek ribojasi su Erdve, o kartais net perskirsto Laiko takus. Išties, kai šis ūgtelėjęs Berniukas išvydo Elialą, o Puniai pavymui buvo itin arti, jis atpažino , bet ji nepažino jo, nes Berniuko išgelbėjimas – nors ir esminis jo praeityje, tebebuvo toli jos ateityje. Vis dėlto, Eliala pajuto ryšį, tad kai šis šūksniu paragino ją dainuoti, ji pakluso. Jos balsas buvo toks nuostabus, kad Berniuko Teisingumo miesto vizija tapo realybe ir visas miestas išdygo tiesiai prieš juos. Neįveikiamas bokštas apsupo Elialą, miegančią prie židinio, ir niekais pavertė piktavalių užmačias. Tai buvo 21-oji jos prieglobsčio vieta. Švintant ir bokšto sienoms vėl virstant smėliu rūke, ji išsmuko, leisdamasi link savo kito – 34-ojo prieglobsčio. O Berniukui tebebuvo toli gražu iki namų.


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