Wmøgyrigwome xxx (875)

  • Linear Location

    No fixed location, driving around the Otas in a milk truck (45°56'16"N 96°34'10"W)



The marker is temporarily installed in a vintage milk truck named “Pearl,” owned by Geographer Hugh Weber in linear South Dakota. Wherever Pearl goes, the marker goes, too. Permanent installation of Wmøgyrigwome xxx (875) was set for summer of 2020 in linear North Dakota, but may be postponed due to Covid-19 Pandemic. Stay tuned!

Public Dedication

45.937818, -96.569532

These co-ordinates refer to the meeting of the 3 Otas: South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota.  The marker is not actually there and always in motion.  At some point, it will be retired and its journeys noted on the permanent installation.

Text of the Marker

The part of the story installed here:

Wmøgyrigwome (875)

Pattern Scientists studying and reflecting in the libraries of the Eqlmundi Kirwela (Tower of Wisdom) of Culev Larsze have long posited the process of Wmøgir:

Imagine every sentence and phrase ever written, spoken, or manifested in every language of all the worlds and xthaeres. Imagine that mass of language inscribed onto the period at the end of this plaque—naturally including this text (scaled down appropriately) at the very end of all those words. Then, imagine all words—excluding those of the first language transcribed—being translated into that first language and then all those translations inscribed onto the very much smaller dot at the end of those words as they were inscribed that first time. This process would be repeated for each of the languages (the dots getting ever smaller)—with some additional effort likely required as the languages evolve and even branch into new ones (at times requiring new translations which in turn may qualify as new writings) in the time taken for the task. And, naturally, the community of inscribers and translators, drawn from myriad organisms, will undoubtedly develop new languages to describe their works, languages that will need accommodation as well on tinier and tinier dots. The size of the period at the end of the last inscribing of the last translation is known too as Wmøgir.

It is also the size of a wmøgyrigwome, a kind of ultra-ƒęmptoculture or nation so tiny it floats like dust in the xthaere, but for those who live within it, it seems as vast as our own universe does to us. Indeed, they have no reason to think otherwise. For approximately a Pejephen year, 744 of our days, this marker will follow the path of one of the most revered of those gwomes, whose story will be told at this marker’s final stop.


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