This important site was the home of the Sevral Acrlaat, the lone representative of his gwome at the frontier with Kmpass.
It is on the Solitaire Country Lodge complex, right behind the gas station.
Corner Road C19 and Road C14
Solitaire, Namibia
Public Dedication
The Each and Every Word Plaque was installed by Jacques Junius and his team on September 16, 2010, completing the A Sentence is an Archipelago of Words Kcymaerxthaere Historic Site as well.
What it says here in Solitaire:
The part of the story installed here:
A Sentence is an Archipelago of Words
KMPASS the Urgend God of Directionality, who is always trying to make the world too simple. der Drägande GOTT der Direktionalitat
FERYLEMT a kind of dimension as different from Space and time as they are from each other. 29 Ways to count here
A sentence is an archipelago of words
Rough pebbles perhaps somehow thrown into a pond, create an archipelago at the moment they touch the erailet surface—a story from many gwomes
A Cognate word meaning the “footprint of the nation”—essentially a culture or country
THE FALTESE is a rezhn of the parallel universe known as Kcymaerxthaere. It is a vast underwater desert off the coast of what we call Namibia, where the ocean floor is so hot all the water boiled away, leaving a thin layer at the surface. The lair of Kmpass.
the name comes from the Cognate word KCYMAARA which means the true physicality of the planet and XTHAERE which is a shape or form with almost an infinity of dimensions—infinity minus 29 to be precise
Eames Demetrios, Geographer-at-Large
Solitaire and the Kcymaerxthaere Historic Site
Images of the general vicinity of An Archipelago of Words.
The Welcoming Islands (1, 2, and 3)
The words (and islands) you see as you approach.
The Namesake Group (Islands 4, 5, 6 and 7)
A sentence is an Archipelago of Words. What else does this place say?
The Central Drift (Islands 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12)
Here you will find rezhns and textures—and even verbal words.
The Nearer Reaches (Islands 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17)
The words and shapes beyond the greeting.
A look at some of the beautiful, functional and process details of the installation.