This was the site where once the Ratimika saw others approaching them. At first, they feared antagonists, but realized it could be one of those vertical lakes. They took some small rocks and threw them, revealing that it was only water. But, incredibly, the jagged pebbles entered the water in such a way that they formed the shapes of 17 of the Rezhns of Kcymaerxthaere, leading many people to believe that 17 of the subtracted infinities are channeled through this place.
Pull over by the side of the Lake Grace-Newdegate road about 16 km, due east of Lake Grace town. Near intersection with Duckworth Road. It is on south side of road. Plaque is also part of the Kcymaerxthaere Historical Site of the same name.
Public Dedication
The precise installation date for the plaque is not known. A formal dedication may yet take place.
Text of the Marker
The part of the story installed here:
A Swath Like Stars
Once known as Schiffling Lake, this is believed by many to be where wandering ancients had been startled to see beings like themselves—only to realize it was their own reflection (since the lake’s surface was perpendicular to the ground, extending far into the unmade sky). To be certain, they scattered a handful of stones into the waters. The archipelago created for that splashing instant formed the constellation Urembelate, visible from planets around the largest of the stars we call the Pleiades.
Some times later, extensive writings were found here in the moist sand. They were written in Schiffling Cognate (thus the name), a language which changes meaning each time it is read—even by the same person. When the locals grasped this elusiveness, they wrote their recollections onto the Urembelate stones. Though these markers and their text have been copied and replaced countless times, they remain the best record we have of those words in the sand.
Scenes of Area

Sunset over the beautiful Western Australia landscape.

Directional signs on the way to Lake Grace.
Details of Construction

Staking off areas on lake bed for concrete pouring.

Mixing up a batch of dyed concrete in a wheelbarrow for the next pour.

Working the pour, and going back for more.

“….the details make the product.”
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