The plaque is on the grounds of the Penduka collective, which is in the Katatura district of Windhoek, the capital of linear Namibia. We recommend you call or email ahead before you go. They have a store, a restaurant and some simple but satisfying rooms to stay in. As always we encourage you to support the businesses that have chosen to support Kcymaerxthaere.
Public Dedication
At the public dedication of this plaque, the Geographer-at-Large told stories to the community and acknowledged the embroiderers who were creating the limited editions of these stories. Simple refreshments and food were available for the whole community.
Writing by the shores of Goreangab Dam
The part of the story installed here:
Before the March
In Kcymaerxthaereal times, this was no lake, but the vast natural amphitheater where the Armies of Complexity gathered before their warrior-leader, Kirguellin. Standing here, his great voice and pure words charged every heart below towards the sea, to the Faltese – the infamous rezhn where the ocean floor was a superheated desert boiling away all waters but a thin surface. A desperate place for a desperate fight: The Battle of Some Times, the final stand against Kmpass, the Urgend God of Directionality – the one who is always trying to make the world a little too simple.
The women’s collective in Windhoek Namibia that hand embroidered the three central Kcymaerxthaere stories of Kirguellin, The Eqlmundi of Culev Larsze, and Story of Eliala Mei-Ning.
Building the mold, pouring the concrete, and mounting the plaque.
The women of Penduka who hand embroidered the three central Kcymaerxthaere stories.
Kirguellin Before the March Embroideries
Related Stories
- A Swath Like Stars
- A Swath of Stars
- The Lovers Touch
- Eine gefährliche Uberfahrt (A Dangerous Crossing)
- Poemas y Mapas de [Stoan Orange Glef]
- La Plaza de la Luna
- Lost in Scale (Tersesat dalam Skala)
- Place of Refuge
- Before the March
- Savior of a Friend
- Lockstep (Sabay na paghakbang)
- Cave without Walls (无壁之穴)
- The Next Step (次の道程)