In many gwomes of Kcymaerxthaere, a traditional birthday gift was bouquet of Iolwas–the acousticphytic flowers that did not simply live on sound, but the very specific sound of echoes. Alas, they were not available year round in the wild, though some gwomes successfully cultivated them in greenhouses made from echoing canyons. They were so lovely and delicate that they gave their name to an entire season. As the marker says, “So, of each year’s 18 seasons, the traditional favorite was Iolwa (meaning “acoustiphyte”), named for the delicate airborne flowers that needed no other sustenance than the echoes themselves — and, for that annual spell, bloomed gloriously with each resounding song and cheer.”
Public Dedication
Installation #88 for the project
Text of the Marker
The part of the story installed here:
Season 14
A generation of generations ago, towering above us would have been great cliffs, not just of stone, but imbued with a quality of existence utterly different from time, space, or even ferylemt — and whose very name was a word one can not speak, only conjure: [the feeling of being sheltered but quite exposed to a high wind]. Here, a single cry from a wheeling bird or a wiwahodb (the so-called sky dugong) would reverberate in delicate decay for days. So, of each year’s 18 seasons, the traditional favorite was Iolwa (meaning “acoustiphyte”), named for the delicate airborne flowers that needed no other sustenance than the echoes themselves— and, for that annual spell, bloomed gloriously with each resounding song and cheer.
And in Indonesian...
Musim ke-14
Sebuah generasi dari banyak generasi sebelumnya, menjulang di atas kita dapat menjadi tebing-tebing besar, bukan hanya dari batu, tapi dijiwai dengan kualitas eksistensi yang sama sekali berbeda dari waktu ke waktu, ruang, atau mungkin ferylemt — dan siapa yang namanya hanya sebuah kata, tidak dapat bicara, hanya menyulap: [sebuah perasaan yang tertampung tetapi cukup terkena angin tinggi]. Di sini, sebuah tangisan dari seekor burung yang berkendara atau wiwahodb (panggilan dari ikan duyung langit) akan bergema dalam kerusakan halus selama berhari-hari. Jadi, pada 18 musim setiap tahunnya, kegemaran tradisionalnya adalah Iolwa (yang berarti “akustifit”), dinamakan untuk bunga-bunga yang diluncurkan secara halus yang tidak membutuhkan makanan melainkan gema mereka sendiri — dan, untuk itu mantra tahunan, bermekaran dengan megah dengan setiap lagu yang menggema dan soraksorai.
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