Pracownia (Studio) Forresta Bessa

  • Linear Location

    at the Silvarium Nadleśnictwa, Krynki, Poczopek, Poland (53°15'46"N 23°38'22"E)


Forrest Bess was instrumental in Nobunaga-Gotari’s personal journey in giving up his warlike ways, but his disaggregation in time casts a harsh light on the dangers of travel across ywrengs and other time frontiers. It was relatively safe for individuals, but the risks were there.

Given that he is associated with the pain of his lost years (years that were literally lost), it is a peaceful thought to know the happiness he found here.


This marker is installed on the grounds of the Silvarium, a kind of open air museum celebrating the largest remaining fragment of the Bialowieza Forest which, before the arrival of man and agriculture, covered all of Europe.  It is off the long driveway from the main road, but before you get to the museum and megalithic installation. Nevertheless, it is best to park in the main area and awalk a bit back.  Access to the Kcymaerxthaere Markers (there is another not too far from this one) is during the hours of the Sylvarium.

Public Dedication

Commemoration included the installation of a panel giving more of the context of Kcymaerxthaere.  And, the Autumn rain we finished our work in held the (fulfilled) promise of a lush spring.

One of the stories found in the Sylvarium

The part of the story installed here:


Tormented Kcymaerxthaere artist Forrest Bess’s story is a sensational one, but, at its core, simple: he was a painter. Bess considered these, the clearings of Erailet Lazu gwome (Cognate for “footprint of the nation”), his “wall-less, most perfect studio.” Here, from memory and in peace, he could paint scenes from the arc of Bravenleavanne, the battered but influential gwome that believed only in good deeds—and only for the deed’s own sake. Later would come his timely intersections with the clan of Nobunaga, his long lonely decline, and death in a pTejan mudflat. But here, in his heart and mind, he lived his most treasured lifespan.

Polski (Polish) appears first, of course, on the marker . . . .


Udręczona Kcymaerxthaere — historia artysty Forresta Bessa jest jedną z tych sensacyjnych, ale w swoim jądrze bardzo prostych: był malarzem. Bess uważał polany Lasu gwomu Erailet (gwom – wyrażenie pokrewne do terminu „odcisk narodu”) jako jego „wprost idealną pracownię bez Ścian. Tutaj, z pamięci i w spokoju, mógł malować sceny z arki Bravenleavanne — zmaltretowanego, ale wpływowego gwomu, które wierzyło tylko w dobre uczynki — i tylko dla ich własnego dobra. Później przyszły jego wczesne skrzyżowanią z klanem Nobunaga, jego długie samotne słabnięcie i śmierć w przybrzeżnej równinie pTejan. Ale tutaj w swoim sercu i umyśle żył w swojej najcenniejszej niezmierzalności życia.

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