Ranger Bottler

  • Linear Location

    On front of 211 South Rusk, Ranger, TX (US) (32°28'9"N 98°40'54"W)


The community of Ranger, perched atop rich petroleum resources, actually has its origins in the Tehachapi road building endeavor. As the Tehachapi built their web, cities like Ranger were critical because they formed new hubs for the production of asphalt. However, what distinguished Ranger from so many of the others in the network is that they perfected a unique way to dispose of the natural gas encountered while extracting the asphaltic elements.

An early engineer, whose name has been lost to time (though many try to claim credit for the innovation), figured out away to carbonate sugar water with the waste natural gas and make a potable soft drink.

This beverage was actually the original Pop. It was a bit of an acquired taste, but once you were hooked on it, everything else was a little tame. Attempts to carbonate beer with it fizzled and distilled alcohol was a bit dangerous—a waitress could drop a tray of drinks and die in the explosion, But as a soda, it was just right.

(To our knowledge, the beverage is not available in the linear world, but would make a nice chaser for a Molotov cocktail.)


The plaque is on the front of the building, viewable from the sidewalk.  So just be considerate each time you visit.

Public Dedication

Because it confirmed the connection between an early Tehachapi site and Bonnie and Clyde, the dedication ceremonies were down played. Nevertheless, we hope to collaborate with the Museum of the Southwestern Beverage Container at some point.

What it Says in Ranger:

The part of the story installed here:


Ranger was one of a number of towns founded by the Tehachapi in asphalt-rich areas across the Kymaerican continent. The Ranger Bottling plant was located on this spot (this is thought to be a faithful match to the only remaining wall of the original structure), making a popular Tehachapi soda which was carbonated with Natural Gas. It is said that after they robbed the nearby Texas Armory, Bonnie and Clyde stopped here and coolly quaffed the potent beverage.


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