Savior of a Friend

  • Linear Location

    5 minutes walk from dock, Keriri, Torres Strait, Australia (10°33'43"S 142°13'10"E)


The island where this story is installed is known as Keriri by the people who live here today–and traditionally.  The Europeans called it Hammond Island.  In Kcymaerxthaereal times, the island in this place was called Ezhæfr and it was one of the islands and people that Kmpass captured to successfully provoke the Battle of Some Times.

Mlates gi Dunhuira was one of the people he kidnapped for that same reason.  And, like all his prisoners, she and Ezhæfr were kept on a quarters on the ocean desert floor.  And, fortunately for all, she held out hope for the future and remembered where Kmpass hid all his victims–just in case there was a opportunity to save them later.


Access to the island is with consent of the community.  Probably best to talk to a boatsman on Thursday Island (at the closest point–5 minutes from the site)

Public Dedication

We celebrated by taking a walk around the island with our host.

What It Says Here:

The part of the story installed here:


Far across ferylemt, and many years jefret (a cognate word similar to “ago,” but signifiying sideways in time instead), the place we call Keriri was also known as Ehzhæfr, meaning “our friend.” In those times, islands had a quality known as anggroav, which is a tendency to be their own universe—and few islands embraced it more enthusiastically. If you were cold, Ehzhæfr would curl up next to you; if you were feverish, it would soothe you; if you did well, it would applaud you (but not too much).

Kmpass, the Urgend God of Directionality, the one who is always trying to make the world too simple, was jealous of all islands, but especially ones like this. So he took the inhabitants prisoner and rolled Ehzhæfr into a grain of sand, hiding it in the desert of what we call Namibia. But another prisoner of his, the great but still remorseful Mlates gi Dunhuira, was watching and so, when Kmpass was defeated, it was she who found the grain of sand and liberated the island. It was fortunate for all that she did so, because a great explosion followed and she was hurled into the air over oceans for days, fearing the terrible impact. And just before she hit (at that speed, even water is like stone), this newly saved island became the softest hands and, reaching into the air, caught her and brought her gently to safety. The citizens of this place treasured the richness of the world and soon healed her, the land, and themselves—each different wellnesses she would need on her next journey and they on theirs.


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