Shirotsumek Hill

  • Linear Location

    Betalevel, linear Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA (US) (34°3'58"N 118°14'17"W)


Near site of one of the 4 monastery districts of Alleigh, you’ll come upon Shirotsumek Hill. It is important because it represents the path not taken and therefore set the stage for the legendary journeys of Nobunaga-Gotari and, ultimately, Nobunaga-Ventreven ever schoolchild knows.

Evidence suggests that the hill was probably the present-day site of Dodger Stadium (the name in the Nipponic [a Hizurokoran dialect] refers to the white flowers Nobunaga saw all over the hillside). After landing in Kymaerica after months lost at sea, Nobunaga-Gotari’s first impulse was to explore and conquer, but, ironically, this turned out to be the southern AND eastern most point of his explorations.

Because ever since his arrival in the new land, Gotari had felt unsatisfied with the goal of unending conquest. Soon, he came under the influence (though he never joined them per se) of the Bravenleavanne and began what was really a much simpler life of building a community of fisherman and not warriors, staying close to his new home (near what we call linear Santa Barbara).

However, his mistress and later wife, Lady Otako, brought up their son Nobunaga the Younger (ultimately called Nobunaga-Gaisen) with a sense of injustice and a desire to reclaim his birthright that could only be satisfied in one way—conquest of what we call Japan. But when they stood here, that story was only dimly seen–if at all.


One of the least accessible of the plaques and for that we apologize (but on the other hand, history happens where it happens).  Besides they are good folks there. Please contact Betalevel to determine when they will have their next event so you can visit at that time.

Public Dedication

Yes, at Betalevel itself, with a lecture by the Geographer-at-Large preceding the dedication proper.

Text of the Marker

The part of the story installed here:


Nobunaga-Gotari, sometimes called the Japanese Columbus, camped here with a small party of samurai warriors soon after his landing in Kymaerica in the area now called Hizurokoro (or “Land Where the Sun Rises” in the local Nipponic dialect). This was the southernmost point of his explorations.


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