Simultaneous Geographies

  • Linear Location

    Behind Building 5, Microsoft Campus, Bellevue, Washington (US) (47°38'20"N 122°7'28"W)


The scattered but unitary gorge, Menonterken, transforms many lives in the xthaere, and of the less appreciated transformees was Kirguellin who, when he crawled out of it the first time was only on the beginning of a kind statesman-like he would eventually obtain a deserved reputation for.


IN THE PROCESS OF BEING RELOCATED TO ANOTHER SPOT ALONG THE GORGE  We will update this page as soon as we can.  Use the GPS co-ordinates to find it.  Though the public can visit, the parklike grounds are actually the campus of the Microsoft Corporation Northwest District Headquarters, Bellevue, Washington.  Behind Building 5

Public Dedication

This was one of our most elaborate dedications yet–it was live streamed around the world.  Both a tour that preceded it and the dedication itself.  Needless to say the good folks at Microsoft were essential to that success.

Story of the Gorge

The part of the story installed here:


The ravine below roughly follows the path taken by one part of Menonterken, the staggering lacework of deep, textured gorges that at one time wrapped around the surface of our planet. Indeed, many felt this mesh defined the very shape of what we call the Earth, particularly within that quality of existence known as ferylemt. The gorge of this place began quite a bit to our right — about a mile or so — and ended sharply on our left just past where the bridge is now. However, although each part of Menonterken was in a different place, the gorges themselves were continuous. For example, water entering this gorge at its beginning, a mile upstream from us, would flow directly from a gorge floating high above the Andes (which in turn, was fed by Roescioenthe, the great burgundy gorge along the west coast of linear India — and so on jaggedly about the world). Then, to our left, rushing waters here poured directly into the spectacular chasm behind the famous Dimension Markets of Trẫykø/ʃn on what we call the island of Mauritius.

It was from here that a young man named Kirguellin, who would later face the God Kmpass at the Battle of Some Times, crawled along the gorge walls, braving its floods to make it here (some say the Boy from the Sea even surged past him). Kirguellin’s journey felt both long and brief — he was never sure exactly which it had been. Drenched to the skin, the young man pulled himself up here at this spot, clutching the roots of a Nevves tree, transfixed by its glowing cartographic leaves. Named after nevvez, the most undiplomatic of the dimensions that made up ferylemt, the tree’s globe-like crown mapped Menonterken scattered in fragments. Then it showed the encircling lacework joined in Space instead, realigning the rest of the rustling world utterly. . . followed by maps he could not yet grasp, but fully accepted, sensing the way these simultaneous geographies were already healing him.

As a boy, Kirguellin had been the sole survivor of a great archipelago’s destruction by that same Kmpass, who even went so far as to discard the very husks of those islands deep in a desert’s sands. But, standing here, looking towards Trẫykø/ʃn, seeing the majesty of the textured gorge both extend to far beyond and yet still end most abruptly, Kirguellin had his first inkling that revenge alone was not a sufficient calling.

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