Nobunaga-Ventreven was a many generations later descendant of Nobunaga-Gotari, the Founder of the Clan of Nobunaga. Ventreven (as he is often known) is famous for his explorations and his key role in the conflict between Kmpass and the Armies of Complexity. These are the parts of his story installed to date.
- A Swath Like Stars
- A Swath of Stars
- The Lovers Touch
- Eine gefährliche Uberfahrt (A Dangerous Crossing)
- Poemas y Mapas de [Stoan Orange Glef]
- La Plaza de la Luna
- Lost in Scale (Tersesat dalam Skala)
- Place of Refuge
- Before the March
- Savior of a Friend
- Lockstep (Sabay na paghakbang)
- Cave without Walls (无壁之穴)
- The Next Step (次の道程)