Glossary of Kcymaerxthaere
Nyelvate (Shape Word) GlossaryFentaøngayd
(Proper Name)
Powerful undersea ruler and explorer, for many most famous because of the fate of his Necklace of Life.
(Trad. Rezhn Name)
Ancestral home of Nobunaga-Gotari and literally hundreds of other gwomes along the coast line and numerous amphibious cultures. Home of pSegolene among others, and the deeps from which the Bar Sinister sprang.
A quality of existence (jemvela) as different from Time and Space as they are from each other.
Festival of the Subtracted Moons
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(linear English)
A festival in the Plaza de las Lunas that honors both the subtracted infinities and Nobunaga-Ventreven’s entrance into the Umbrasphaere.
Fmajsiht Bhessftn
(Proper Name)
A benchmaker whose delicacy and skill was so extreme he would work not with tools, but with the words for them.
Fondness of Lichens
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(linear English)
A common expression for a group of lichen—like a flock of crows, a stand of trees, or a herd of deer. Though some consider it to be a False Cognate phrase.
Forest’s Rest
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(linear English)
The place where Forrest [sic] Bess awaited his youth after he had been disaggregated in Time.
Forrest Bess
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(Matagada Name)
One of the most remarkable painters during the times of the xthaere.
Fort Tayla
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(Phloridian Cognate)
An important defensive fortification of the Conch Republic.
Fourth Band
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(linear English)
One of the Tehachapic bands that escaped the bloodbath of the Battle of the Devils Marbles. Considered the founders of Tehachapic culture in the Kymaericas.
Fourth Justice
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(linear English)
In certain gwomes, if the court ruled that an action should not have taken place, the criminal and the victim were taken back in time to the moment of injury and the offending events prevented. But the consequent experience of criminal and victim were quite different.
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(Parisienne Origin)
Stands for Fraternitee deTout les Paris - Brother hood of the Parises.