Glossary of Kcymaerxthaere
Nyelvate (Shape Word) GlossarywSeoths
A unit of measurement introduced by the Tehachapi just under 1 and 1/2 meters (57.2239... inches; roughly 144.985 cm) Interestingly, every conversion rate is an irrational number, never quite aligning. In other words, though 1 wSeoth is 57.2239...” 144.985... cms, 57.2239...” does not equal 144.985... cms.
Wtib Tstetrat
[(w)-TEEB (t)see-tay-TRAT]Origin
(Proper Name)
The National Poet of Velkristan, author of The Willhamenta, focusing on Eddgar and Benn.
Waters Hed
[(As per linear English)]Origin
(Culture name)
Culture attributed to developing the Ornate Vrginian bench.
warik li
[WARR-ick LEE]Origin
(Bench type name)
Bench type that encompasses the 323 bench.
Waiting Room at Node
[(As per linear English)]Origin
(Bench name)
Bench from the train-like station at Node, which uses a traditional Lusken Burgundet. (Remember the people of Lusk still refer to colors by their False Cognate names.) However, the vengefot is made from extremely rare beans and other seeds, turned to stone in the Yellowstone Caldera’s devastating Albine Eruption, with its snow white pumice.
(Bench name)
Bench considered by Park Lee Taf (at one point in time) to be the most honest bench in his collection, whose blend of rough hewn wood and its history as a place where Mlates gi Dunhuira grieved—realizing that she had inadvertently done the work of Kmpass—was compelling. Some say she sat on this bench soon after sensing the extinguishing of the archipelago’s kcymaerite (an island in the shape of the richness of the world).
Werbarna bilu raengit
[wur-BAR-nah BILL-oo RAYN-git]Origin
(Gwome name)
Gwome located in the distrykt of Kcyzakhstaan.
(Culture name)
Culture attributed to developing the Velkrikane K謬anay bench.
(Distrykt name)
Distrykt notable for containing the gwome Embaudy.
(Bench name)
Bench that was paired in the Museum of the Bench with the Bench of Leszens, since both benches were found in the northern portion of Estrelliia, the Bench of Leszens having been found found directly across, also on the rezhnal border. In fact, the entire rezhn of [EphilKcymeri] seems to separate them. But, because the nature of the quality of existence known as Ferylment, that rezhn is invisible, due to clever channeling by Taf and Pezhphen of the MoB’s vertical rivers to achieve that effect, locally.
[(As per linear English)]Origin
(Bench name)
An understated bench, whose precise classification is one of the real controversies in the Kcy bench collecting community—some aguing passionately that such a bench was not actually a bench at all, but the word for bench in a Language of Experience, while others insist it is an outline of the possibilities of benchness—more a statement of purpose than anything else. Interestingly both sides agree the bench should not be sat in, but vehemently disagree on the manner of not sitting.