Glossary of Kcymaerxthaere
Nyelvate (Shape Word) Glossaryparisienne
(Parisienne Also: Culture name)
Languages spoken by most of the Parisian Diaspora. Also: Culture attributed to developing the Klosen Time bench.
Park Lee Taf
(Proper Name)
An interpreter specializing in multi-dimensional tenses, who founded the Musim Ginuija (Museum of the Bench) having fled the expedition of Nobunaga-Gaisen.
Pas Du Paresse
[PAW DEW par-ESS]Origin
(Proper Name)
The Grid gwome that declined participation in The Grid rotation because, despite having a Paris, the gwome as a whole is not culturally Parisian.
Pattern Scientist(s)
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(linear English)
Pattern Scientists pursue, perceive and reveal the patterns in the universe. They are almost always xthaedra.
[cal-ih-FORN-yuh (As per linear English; "p" is silent.)]Origin
(Precise origin unknown, but widely accepted Distrykt Name)
One of the most (but not the most) fractious of the regions of Kymaerica, it is composed of numerous different gwomes, most resulting from a diverse body of early settlers from many places among the outer continents. It also happens to be among the best researched of the distrykts. Also: Distrykt notable for containing the gwomes Jevreckem, Hizurokoro, and Skadalia.
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(Proper Name)
A community founded by Amory Frontage that is no longer culturally Parisian.
(Proper Name)
A Moon of Jupiter, named (more or less) for the great Engineer Pezhephen.
Pejephen Year
[puh-ZHEFF-inn YEER]Origin
(Proper Name)
A year followed by many gwomes in Kcymaerxthaere amounting to approximately 744 of our earth days. It is often interesting to encounter the seasons in such a gwome. The name is a corruption of the name of the legendary engineer.
Pel Kwint
(Proper Name Also: Bench name)
In Erailen gwome, the preferred beer for toasting for a successful journey across a Time Frontier. Also: Bench along the Erailen side of the Grand River where in Kcymaerxthaereal times, on the eve of crossing, gazing down on the river, and the treacherous ywreng within it, those on the Erailen side would raise a beer and toast, “Pel Kwint,” echoed from the other side by an equally brave, “Kwin Tel! Kwin Tel!” People often joked that was the only thing the two sides would agree on.
(Jihn Wranglikan)
Jihn Wranglikan Pentacost.
People of the Rock
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(linear English)
The powerful gwome of Estrelliia which defeated the Material Alliance at the Battle of the Devil’s Marbles. Also known as: Laයy/ev
(Proper Name)
Though not a gwome, a stronghold of the Parisian Diaspora.
Pel Kwint
(Proper Name Also: Bench name)
In Erailen gwome, the preferred beer for toasting for a successful journey across a Time Frontier. Also: Bench along the Erailen side of the Grand River where in Kcymaerxthaereal times, on the eve of crossing, gazing down on the river, and the treacherous ywreng within it, those on the Erailen side would raise a beer and toast, “Pel Kwint,” echoed from the other side by an equally brave, “Kwin Tel! Kwin Tel!” People often joked that was the only thing the two sides would agree on.