Scenes from the Life of Culev Larsze

  • Linear Location

    At SMK Negeri 1 Rota Bayat, Klaten (Indonesia) (7°47'4"S 110°37'56"E)


This Kcymaerxthaere Historical Site surround a Kcymaerxthaere Marker (The Shape of Gratitude) and is another of those rare sites that has no text–although in this case it is inspired by the story of Færin Gætpayk, whose generosity and compassion for the wandering and silenced Culev Larsze inspired her to give him a gift–the first Ogriyaa Pjerumah (“something for the home of the one who believed in me”).

These images were all made by students at the school, and turned into fired ceramics by other students at the school: SMK Negeri 1 Rota Bayat.

You will notice that we consciously selected multiple visions of the key parts of the story, to avoid suggesting that one particular one is more right than the others–or the one in the reader’s mind.


This installation is just inside the front gate to the school grounds.  Please check in with the school folks when you come in.

Public Dedication

We sang a Kcymaerxthaereal song and honored the great work of the students in illustrating the story.

The 23 images on the Site (Tiles 1-6)

Tiles 7-12

Tile 13 to 18

Tiles 18-23


Related Stories

Culev Larsze and The Madness