Round 2: Another Kcy culinary adventure with Chef Steve!
Sunday, January 10th | Zoom event hosted live from KcyCentral
He’s back! For round 2! Chef Steve Couch @mreatright returns for another linguistic culinary adventure with the #GeographerAtLarge @eamesdemetrios — this next round of cookie decorating (and savory treats!) will be hosted over Zoom on January 9th at 4:00 pm PST. All are welcome—please send us a direct message to get the Zoom invite! And check out the IndieGoGo campaign to get your very own #KcyCookieCutters to bake and make along with us.
Sunday, January 10th 2021 | Sunday, January 10th 2021
Geo@Large to give holiday storytelling at the Krblin Jihn Kabin
Sunday, December 27th | Krblin Jihn Kabin, Joshua Tree, CA
Join the #GeographerAtLarge @eamesdemetrios for a special holiday tour of the Krblin Jihn Kabin TODAY at 1:00 pm PST (4:00 pm New York time, 9:00 pm Lisbon time) on Instagram Live! Eames will tell stories of the Jihn Wranglikans and the Gospels n Matthew along with some fun facts about the new #KcyCookieCutters and the #Nyelvate language. Join us!
Watch the entire Instagram Live event here!
Sunday, December 27th 2020 | Sunday, December 27th 2020
Kcy-Explorer Chef Steve (aka Mr. Eat Right) demonstrated traditional (and non-traditional!) Kcymaerxthaereal methods for baking and decorating Nyelvate shapeword cookies this past Saturday. Missed your chance? We’ll have another baking (and other culinary adventures!) event with Steve on January 10th! 🍪✨
Saturday, December 19th 2020 | Sunday, December 20th 2020
Limited Edition Parallel Universe Cookie Cutters–in a beautiful, little known language (+ a book!)
May we suggest a fun new way of communicating thoughts through flour and sugar to add to your holiday baking routine?! At KcyCentral, we are embracing our time at home in a very sweet way: we are launching our very first limited edition Kcy Cookie Cutters—they are now **officially available** on our IndieGoGo. We hope these cookie cutters will bring some joy, some thinking, and of course——some cookies. . . what’s more, you can learn a parallel world language while you bake!
Please help us meet our campaign goal to publish our first Kcymaerxthaereal dictionary: Baker-Physicists’ Abridged Dictionary of Beshwa Nyelvate Shapewords
Visit our campaign here.
We’re celebrating a special language from our parallel universe by making cookie cutters and the first dictionary of these words. But we need your help to do this. Baking is one of those wonderful family and community activities that’s been around for a long time for all linear humans. And these shape words are a lot of fun too! Please join us on the journey of inviting folks to look at the world in new ways.
Friday, November 27th 2020 | Saturday, January 25th 2020
(Saturday Nov 21, 14:00 Singapore local time / Friday Nov 20, 10 pm Los Angeles time)
The Intimacy of our Imaginations and Imaginary Places Join global TED and multi TEDxSingapore speaker Eames Demetrios to explore the power of our imagination and imaginary places like the parallel world of Kcymaerxthaere, 142 physical sites around the planet, including in Singapore.
For book-only orders, feel free to DM @kcymaerxthaere on Instagram.
***This event starts at 8:00 PM SGT (Singapore Time Zone): If you are in the United States, the event will begin at 1:00 am AM EDT (New York) **on November 21st** and 10:00 PM PDT (Los Angeles) **on November 20th** if you live on the west coast. Other start times on Saturday, Nov. 7th include: Lisbon: 6:00 AM. Capetown: 8:00 AM. Tokyo: 3:00 PM.
Saturday, November 21st 2020 | Saturday, November 21st 2020
Catalyzing Change: Eames Demetrios to give Keynote Lecture during American Institute of Architects 2020 virtual conference
Thursday, November 19th | American Institute of Architects International Region
Join us for Catalyzing Change, this year’s virtual conference from American Institute for Architects (Int’l Region), featuring Geographer-at-Large Eames Demetrios as one of five Keynote speakers. The lecture is free and open to all.
The theme of this year’s conference seeks to embrace the opportunity presented by the many challenges society is facing in 2020, to identify potential for growth and change. Join us to imagine, debate and celebrate how architecture can be at the forefront of meaningful change that responds to our current crises of climate action, social justice, and health & well-being. In that context, Demetrios will talk about the importance of seeing the world fresh, the rightful place of wise technology beside smart technology, and the importance in our individual and collective lives of seeing what is not there…which can also be what is not *yet* there.
Keynote 4 – Eames Demetrios – Seeing What is not There
will begin on November 19th, 2020 at 9:00 am EST (New York) / 6:00 am PST (Los Angeles) / Lisbon: 3:00 pm/ Capetown: 4:00 pm / Tokyo: 11:00 PM.
RSVP: Register for Eames’s Keynote Lecture here
If you wish to attend the event on Thursday, please do be sure to RSVP with the link provided above to receive the Zoom call link. Note to registrants: you will receive an email containing zoom links to all events for the following day.
Thursday, November 19th 2020 | Thursday, November 19th 2020
TWO Events, One Night: MOCA+ Salon & Storytime for the Apocalypse
Tuesday, July 28th | Remote event via Zoom Call
You’re invited to join us for a double-header of virtual events on Monday evening, July 27th, 2020 featuring Geographer-at-Large Eames Demetrios and Kcymaerxthaere:
Seeing is Believing: Eames as Storyteller (from 6:00-7:00 PM Pacific time on Zoom)
Storytime for the Apocalypse (at 7:30 PM Pacific time on Zoom)
There is a separate sign-up for each event. Details and links for the 6 PM session are here— and details and links for 7:30 follow directly after. Join us for both!
Tuesday, July 28th 2020 | Tuesday, July 28th 2020
#TodayMeetsTomorrow: Join us for #TEDxDurbarMarg—the #GeographerAtLarge @eamesdemetrios will be participating virtually (along with the other wonderful speakers), talking about #Kcymaerxthaere in #Nepal, among other things. We look forward to sharing the full experience with the community. Watch the entire event here.
View a teaser promo here:
Saturday, June 6th 2020 | Saturday, June 6th 2020
Join us for the 6th episode of Kcymaerxthaere’s IGTV Series, #StoriesOfKcymaerxthaere. This week we learn about the puzzle of Nyelvate shapewords that we placed on the Moon by the mighty and majestic Yaarayehyay birds.
Click here to tune in on Instagram. The entire series is also available on YouTube.
Stay tuned for next week’s episode!
Saturday, May 23rd 2020 | Saturday, May 23rd 2020
The mighty Yaarayehyay bird takes centerstage in this week’s #StoriesOfKcymaerxthaere
Monday, January 20th | KcyCentral
Join us for the 5th episode of Kcymaerxthaere’s IGTV Series, #StoriesOfKcymaerxthaere. Episode 5 of the #Kcymaerxthaere IGTV storytelling series is now live. Learn all about the bird with five-and-a-half wings in the fifth installment of the #StoriesOfKcymaerxthaere.
Click here to tune in on Instagram. The entire series is now available on YouTube.
Stay tuned for next week’s episode!
Monday, January 20th 2025 | Monday, January 20th 2025