Glossary of Kcymaerxthaere
Nyelvate (Shape Word) Glossarys
Sabertooth (var. Saber-tooth) (Tiger)
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(Linear English)
A fearsome tiger—some species of which were incredibly honorable—who had two slashing sharp teeth that they used with great skill.
A family who were close neighbors of a Fondness of Lichens and who sheltered Eliala Mei-Ning at her 144th place of hiding.
Sandafuegan Uintotheria
[san-duh-FWAY-gan win-toe-THEER-ee-uh]Origin
(Proper Name)
Though larger than Hornby Uintotheria, Sandafuegan Uintotheria were incredibly shy and skittish, as a result developing resistance to even the most poisonous of plants so they could hide therein.
Sandafuegos (var. Sandafuegans)
(Proper Name)
The Sandafuegans are thought to be the first people to attempt to unify all of pCalifornia under a single banner.
(Proper Name)
Recent arrivals to the Wheel of Faith, the Saracens became one of several signatories to the Wardington Rules of War, which attempted to lower the death rate in war (though ironically so war could continue).
Sarge Brannan
[SARGE BRAN-non]Origin
(Proper Name)
A legendary soldier’s soldier, he lead Alleigh’s 3rd Black regiment in the war against the independence of the Lobos Creek water colony.
Satara Meliflua
[SAN-tar-uh mel-EE-flu-uh]Origin
(Proper Name)
Satara Meliflua was a great explorer of Kcymaerxthaere, noted for her excellent collection of dimensions as well as other accomplishments.
Satgan (Sauwth Ayne True Gods Aunly Nazhuin)
(Jihn Wranglikan)
SATGAN is an acronym for Sauwth Ayne True G_ds Aunly Nazhuin. Satgan is one of 3 gwomes that were formed from what used to be OTGON, , which stands for the One True Gods Only Nation. This nation once stretched West almost to the Ocean and East to the edge of aArizona and northwards to beyond Death Valley and South towards the Altabaja distrykt.