Glossary of Kcymaerxthaere
Nyelvate (Shape Word) Glossarywaø\pres
(Beshwa Nyelvate)
[the coexistence of love and fear]
Wardington Rules of War
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(Linear English)
These rules took advantage of potent silicane-like tranquilizers. Soldiers were therefore rarely killed in combat, instead utterly exiled and mourned as dead. But, any attempt to resume contact led to the slaughter of the whole family.
Warres (var: Warrea)
A remarkable group of organisms who were not organisms by our linear definitions and expectations, but they produced a remarkable degree of sophistication, to the point that subsequent linear societies replaced their tissue-like portions with masonry, creating places useful even today.
Warring States
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(Linear English)
An era of nMichigan history, characterized by constant violence and instability.
Warres were creatures without metabolism, famous for structures built from their cleves. Warrn can be the plural of warre and also the adjectival form.
water mole(s) var. (watermole)
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(linear English)
Widely domesticated creatures who are able to tunnel through water, leaving behind a mucus that hardens on contact with water.
A people who believed you create a new universe every time you fall in love and you could exist in many such universes at once. But there were responsibilities as well.
Wheel of Faith
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(linear English)
A circular area of the rezhn of kNow Estrelliia where many wedge-shaped and highly theocratic gwomes converge on a single, often disputed, point.
White Night
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(Linear English)
When the sky never goes dark in the summer.
Whorl of the World
[(as per linear English)]Origin
(linear English)
A great vortex for responsibility and honor, continually created by those who fight in respect of the innocents who lose their lives.